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The University of Almodóvarlandia: The Research done on the Movies of Pedro Almodóvar and the range of studies called Almodóvarology.

Here you will get Information on

the Research done on the Movies of Pedro Almodóvar and the range of studies called Almodóvarology:

At the University of Almodóvarlandia the main research duty is Almodóvarology, the Art of making excellent movies.

Pedro Almodóvar on the day when he was confered »Doctor Honoris Causa« by the University of Castilla-La Mancha
Pedro Almodóvar on the day when he was confered »Doctor Honoris Causa« by the University of Castilla-La Mancha

In the University - Bookshop you can order all the books about Pedro Almodóvar and his works or books written by Pedro Almodóvar, which are necessary for your studies and are still available directly via Internet.

In the University - Movieshop you can order all the Videos, Laserdiscs or DVDs of Pedro Almodóvar's commercial movies, which are necessary for your studies and are still available directly via Internet.

In the University - CD - Shop you can order all the Soundtracks of Pedro Almodóvar's movies and CDs of Artists, who already contributed one or more Songs to the Sountracks of Almodóvar's Movies, which are still available directly via Internet.

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This Page was created by Karl A. ERBER on December 05, 1998
Last Update: April 09, 2006
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